Jahlil and his mother, Shantel, were referred to A Child’s Haven (ACH) when he was four years old. Leading up to their referral, Shantel was an extremely stressed single parent. Jahlil struggled with extreme social-emotional challenges that lead to poor behavior. Shantel was afraid of what the future would look like if Jahlil’s behavioral challenges were not addressed. Shantel had exhausted the ways she knew to help her son and knew she needed a different approach. During her ACH intake, Shantel was excited to learn that while Jahlil was in treatment, the Child and Family Therapist would help her too.
Shantel shares, “I’m an old school parent and I parented my oldest three children in a significantly different way. The way I parented Jahlil just didn’t work.” After a few months of being enrolled at ACH, Shantel was relieved to see huge improvements in her son. Jahlil was having positive interactions with adults and peers, and he stopped throwing tantrums every time something did not go his way.
During Shantel’s Family Therapy sessions, she learned how to understand her child’s needs. This information taught her how to be the best parent to Jahlil, and she was able to empower him. This newfound empowerment helped Jahlil take charge of his emotions and to process and express them in a positive way. Jahlil continued making significant progress during his time at ACH. He was enrolled in our new 4K program in August and thrived during the transition.
Jahlil is on track to graduate from 4K in time to begin kindergarten next Fall. Shantel shared what makes ACH unique. “A Child’s Haven for us has been everything under one roof. During the day he learns coping skills in his classroom and has Individual Therapy a few times a month. Then, we are able to have Family Therapy together with the same therapist. It has worked very well for us. I don’t know where our lives would be without A Child’s Haven.”