11:00AM - 12:30PM
Younts Conference Center, Furman University
25 Rugby Road
We are pleased to invite you to join in our important work through sponsoring our signature event this year.
A Child’s Haven Holiday Benefit Brunch 2025!
Through strong partnerships with media outlets, an aggressive social media plan and the use of engaging print and electronic promotional tools, your organization’s involvement in this special event will be very visible – all while raising funds to benefit hurting families in our community. At ACH we highly value partnerships with both corporate and individual donors as well as funders. We are committed to wisely steward your generous investments in our work and sincerely appreciate your interest and involvement as we expand our capacity to serve families in need and place children on a pathway to success!
Please review the sponsorship levels and corresponding benefits below.
Once you have selected the sponsorship category that is the best match for you or your organization, we ask that you complete and return the Sponsorship Form online OR print a copy of the form and mail with your check to:
Holiday Benefit Brunch
A Child's Haven
20 Martin Drive
Greenville, SC 29617
If you have any questions, please contact our leadership team.
Thank You!
For more information, please contact:
MaKayla Patterson at
864-346-9554 or email
Salli Alexander at
or email
✶ Prominent recognition on ACH’s home page with
company logo linked to your website for 1 year
✶ Lead logo recognition in ACH’s annual report,
distributed to all supporters
✶ Logo recognition in 4 issues of ACH’s newsletter,
emailed to all supporters
✶ Identified as lead corporate partner in releases
sent to Upstate media for one year
✶ Promotion on ACH’s social media platforms for
6 times per year
✶ Featured in Thank You eblast sent to ACH donor
base post event
✶ Recognition in Brunch program and on screen
at event
✶ 2 premier tables of 8 at ACH’s annual Holiday
Benefit Brunch
✶ Logo on ACH’s home page for 1 year and inclusion on Corporate Partner page
✶ Logo recognition in ACH’s annual report, distributed to all supporters
✶ 2 social media spotlights
✶ Logo recognition in 2 issues of ACH’s newsletter, emailed to all supporters
✶ Featured in Thank You eblast sent to ACH donor base post event
✶ Recognition in Brunch program
✶ 1 premier table of 8 at ACH’s annual Holiday Benefit Brunch
✶ Recognition on Corporate Partner page on ACH’s website for one year
✶ Recognition in ACH’s annual report, distributed to all supporters
✶ 1 social media spotlight
✶ Recognition in one issue of ACH’s newsletter, emailed to all supporters
✶ Featured in Thank You eblast sent to ACH donor base post event
✶ Recognition in Brunch program and on screen at event
✶ Premium seating for 6 at ACH’s annual Holiday Benefit Brunch
✶ Recognition in ACH’s annual report, distributed to all supporters
✶ Featured in Thank You eblast sent to ACH donor base post event
✶ Recognition in Brunch program and on screen at event
✶ Premium seating for 4 at ACH’s annual Holiday Benefit Brunch
✶ Recognition in Brunch program and on screen at event
✶ Seating for 4 at ACH’s annual Holiday Benefit Brunch
For over 30 years, A Child’s Haven has helped struggling preschool children in the Upstate acquire the skills necessary to be successful in school and beyond. Many have experienced
trauma, live in low-wealth environments, and grapple with social, emotional and behavioral challenges. ACH offers these children and their families the life-changing, 2-generational therapeutic services they need to thrive!
Event proceeds will support existing therapy programs for at-risk preschoolers and caregivers on our ACH Main Campus. They will also fund a new, innovative service delivery approach that ACH is piloting in partnership with other early childhood education programs and childcare centers.