Cameron’s first three years were tough. After his parents divorced, Cameron lived between two different homes with no consistent routine. Cameron’s pediatrician noticed a few developmental delays and was concerned. The pediatrician knew about the divorce and asked if Cameron had been having a hard time. Cameron’s mother, Christine, admitted that her son was having intense tantrums and his daycare teacher had noticed some speech delays. The pediatrician explained some tantrums are normal, but Cameron’s outbursts could be worse because trying to communicate was so frustrating. She told Cameron’s mother about A Child’s Haven and thought our therapeutic services could help their family. A few days later, Christine took the first step and contacted ACH.
During the intake interview, a Child and Family Therapist noticed Cameron’s delays and witnessed a tantrum. Christine told the therapist that Cameron had been having meltdowns for a few months and every time she tried to calm him, it only got worse. ACH staff reassured Tina that she was doing her best as a newly single parent and our team would help her and Cameron grow and learn together.
During Cameron’s first month at ACH, when he became agitated the clinical team focused on redirecting him rather than stopping the behavior. Cameron would go to another part of the room by himself, or with a treatment provider, taking him out of the upsetting situation so he could calm down. Providers also taught Cameron ways to communicate verbally and non-verbally so he wouldn’t get as frustrated and upset.
At Christine and Cameron’s first Family Therapy Home Session, their therapist shared some extra strategies. Christine was skeptical but willing to try. She called the therapist later that week to share that Cameron was still having some rough outbursts, but the new strategies calmed him down before he became uncontrollable.
After a year with ACH, Cameron was discharged from our facility to attend his local daycare. During their final assessment, Christine talked about how much Cameron had changed and couldn’t believe he was the same child. She was looking forward to using the parenting skills she learned at ACH as they moved into the next chapter of their lives.
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The post Cameron’s Story appeared first on A Child's Haven.